The Homestretch is Here:
- I have slept on my parent's couch the past two nights because I am too lazy to make the walk to my bedroom upstairs.
- I have not changed clothes since Friday morning.
- Nor have I showered.
- Or Shaved
- Yes, I look like a Yeti.
- And smell like...well...I am not sure what...but it is bad nonetheless
- If I flunk, I am going to blame
David BeckhamESPN - Yeah, I spent 3 hours not studying and watching the hourlong ESPN Beckham Pre-Game Promo and then the two hours watching the game anxiously and eagerly anticipating the moment #23 would step onto the pitch.
- The moment it happened was awesome.
- Right here I want to say something snippy to Dicta, but my brain has the intellectual capability of a bowl of Malt-0-Meal
- I think I understand Secured Transactions.
- Not so much the Rule Against Perpetuities.
- But who cares?
- Answer: Not me.