Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Morning Musings

1. I almost fell down an escalator because a person with a rolly backpack cut in front of me. These people should be sent to Gitmo.
2. I will not flirt with defense counsel. I will not flirt with defense counsel. I will not flirt with defense counsel. [Even if she is cute Indian]
3. My boss is wise: “The Supreme Court makes lawyers only God makes attorneys”
4. Best of luck bartakees. I’m sure that e-mail you get this afternoon will make your day. Or make your favorite bartenders day. Either or: big success!
5. I would love to see both Chicago baseball teams in the playoffs. But let’s be honest, the White Sox will just be cannon fodder for the Tampa Bay Rays if they make it.
6. People that pull rolly backpacks through revolving doors just well…see #1.
7. I flirted with the Indian defense counsel. I have a weakness for them (Indians, not defense counsel).
8. Microsoft Word Auto-correct Issue of the Day: it is a Dismissal for Want of Prosecution not Want of Prostitution.