Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Phone conversations with those pesky individuals known as 'Clients'

I'm not sure why I answer the phone somedays...

"Hi, Namby, this is Client. I just had a job interview today"
Congratulations. Good luck! [Why am I being told this?]
"The reason I'm calling is that I need a favor"
Well, I'll see what I can do [A client needing a favor...this must be a first]
"While at the interview, I gave them your name as a reference and they are probably going to call you later today"
I see. What do you want me to say? [Um. What? You didn't. You did. You did.]
"That I worked for you for four months"
... [You did. Yeah. You did.] Client, I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
"Well, what are you going to do when they call?"
I'll say you are a client [The truth shall set me free!]
"I see...well thanks anyways"
2 hours later after no phone call from the interviewer:
"Namby, I GOT THE JOB!"