Saturday, December 03, 2005

A snippet of my day

Today's Activities Have Been:

1. Sleeping In. 12pm
2. Staying In Bed with the TV on Until 2pm.
3. Watching the Texas/Colorado Game and the Illinois/Xavier Game.
4. Breakfast at 2:45pm.
5. Shuffling Papers Around the Table. 3:00pm
6. Checking Blogs. 3:01pm
7. Checking E-Mail. 3:25pm
8. Back to Bed, with Class Notes, While Watching the USC/UCLA Game 3:28pm
9. Throw Notes on the Floor: 3:29pm
10. Check Blogs, E-Mail, and IM from bed 3:30pm
11. Kick Notes Under the Floor. 3:45pm
14. Focus on the USC/UCLA Game 3:46pm
15. Lay down on the Couch where the Big Screen TV with the USC/UCLA Game. 3:55pm
16. Use Notes as a starter in the Fireplace. 4:02pm
17. Nap Time. 4:03pm

That's a Productive Day