Saturday, January 05, 2008

I'd like to see Tom Tancredo and Dennis Kucinich in a cage match to the death

I was watching the Seahawks-Redskins game at 13-7 and at a commercial break I carelessly flipped to the ABC presidential debate.

20 minutes later the game was 28-17. Why did I do this?
Update: Seriously. I can't stop watching this. And there is another 3 hours of debates.
Second Update: Apparently I missed Jacksonville's first TD. Don't know how that happened. I will say that Mike Huckabee, irregardless of his issue positions, looks the most presidential of the six on stage; his embracing of Obama and what he means to America was political genius. Seems that Senator McCain and Mayor Guiliani are only there just to attack Mitt Romney. Yay, politics. Fred Thompson, he looks old. Ron Paul, is nuts. I can't wait for the Democrats to get going. Except I have zero desire to listen to Hillary. Her voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard combined with a cat being inserted into a garbage disposal. Good times!
Final Republican Debate Update: They were all on stage. I swear that Bill Richardson and Ron Paul were chatting about how they could off the whole field and take up the helm for themselves. There's no doubt that Huckabee and Hillary were talking about how she has no taste for interior design at the Arkansas Statehouse. Obama was just looking pretty. As for the issues; I've discovered that I don't give a damn about immigration and I don't think any candidate of any party has a clue about healthcare. Ok, more will come
So the Dems are up and I've missed another touchdown. This is clearly Bill Richardson's fault. Oh yeah, he is rambling and totally outgunned. Hillary looks tired. And is wearing Monkey Vomit Green. So far for the first question only Obama and Edwards have answered it. Clinton and Richardson...yeah...not so much. But the Bulls are now on, so I have further sports that I can miss while watching these 4.
Seriously? Another touchdown gone. Hillary is definitely not my favorite; I sure don't care about 'her legislation'. Obama just needs to vanquish these pipsqueaks and let's get on to the general election. Edwards is pretty.
It's halftime of both the Bulls and the Football game and I have no choice but to watch the debate. It is no where near as interesting as the theatre the Republicans put on. I think that I am going to go do God's work and kill people on the Xbox.
I stopped watching...the football game got really interesting. So did the Bulls game. I guess this means that I'm voting for myself in the next primary